Sidney flew in an airplane five times during her vacation.The flights averaged 2 hours 8 minutes long.The lengths of her first four flights were 2 hours 10 minutes,3 hours 20 mins,1 hours 15 minutesand 2hours 40 minutes.What was the length of her last flight?

change all times to minute

(130 +200 +75 + 160 + x)/5 = 128

Simplify by summing all of the times.
Multiply both sides by 5

subtract your sum from that number to find x.

Rewrite minutes int hours and minutes.

To find the length of Sidney's last flight, we need to determine the average length of all five flights and then subtract the total length of the first four flights from it.

To calculate the average length of the five flights, we add up the lengths of all the flights and then divide by 5 since there are five flights in total.

Length of first flight = 2 hours 10 minutes = 2 × 60 + 10 = 130 minutes
Length of second flight = 3 hours 20 minutes = 3 × 60 + 20 = 200 minutes
Length of third flight = 1 hour 15 minutes = 1 × 60 + 15 = 75 minutes
Length of fourth flight = 2 hours 40 minutes = 2 × 60 + 40 = 160 minutes

Total length of the first four flights = 130 minutes + 200 minutes + 75 minutes + 160 minutes = 565 minutes

Since the average length of all five flights is 2 hours 8 minutes, it can be represented as 2 hours × 60 + 8 minutes = 128 minutes.

Length of the last flight = Average length of all five flights - Total length of the first four flights
Length of the last flight = 128 minutes - 565 minutes = -437 minutes

Therefore, the length of Sidney's last flight is -437 minutes. However, a negative value for flight duration doesn't make sense in this context. It's possible that there might be a mistake in the given information or in the calculations.