The box plots below show the average daily temperatures in January and December for a U.S. city:

two box plots shown. The top one is labeled January. Minimum at 0, Q1 at 10, median at 12, Q3 at 13, maximum at 16. The bottom box plot is labeled December. Minimum at 1, Q1 at 5, median at 18, Q3 at 25, maximum at 35

What can you tell about the means for these two months?
A. The Mean for December is higher than January's mean
B. it is almost certain that January's mean is higher
C. There is no way of telling what the means are
D.The narrow iqr for January causes its mean to be lower
I think it is c

The box plots below show attendance at a local movie theater and high school basketball games:

two box plots shown. The top one is labeled Movies. Minimum at 60, Q1 at 65, median at 95, Q3 at 125, maximum at 150. The bottom box plot is labeled Basketball games. Minimum at 90, Q1 at 95, median at 125, Q3 at 145, maximum at 150.

Which of the following best describes how to measure the spread of the data?
A. The IQR is a better measure of spread for movies than it is for basketball games.
B. The standard deviation is a better measure of spread for movie than it is for basket games
C. The IQR is the best measurement of spread for games and movies
D. The Standard deviation is the best measurement of spread for games and movies
I think it is a

Thank you

do any know what the answer

For the first question regarding the average daily temperatures in January and December, you mentioned the box plots of the two months. The box plots provide information about the distribution of the data, including the minimum, first quartile (Q1), median, third quartile (Q3), and maximum.

Looking at the box plots, we can see that January has a smaller range from the minimum (0) to the maximum (16), while December has a wider range from the minimum (1) to the maximum (35). The interquartile range (IQR) for January is also smaller (Q3 - Q1 = 3) compared to December's larger IQR (Q3 - Q1 = 20).

To determine the means for these two months, we need to consider the entire dataset, not just the information provided by the box plots. Since we don't have the actual data, we can't directly calculate the means. Therefore, option C ("There is no way of telling what the means are") is the correct choice.

For the second question about measuring the spread of data in attendance at a movie theater and high school basketball games, you mentioned the box plots of the two categories. The box plots provide information about the spread of the data, including the minimum, first quartile (Q1), median, third quartile (Q3), and maximum.

Looking at the box plots, we can observe the range from the minimum to the maximum for both movies and basketball games. However, we are asked about the best measure of spread for both types of data.

The interquartile range (IQR), defined as the difference between the first quartile (Q1) and the third quartile (Q3), is a common measure of spread that provides information about the middle 50% of the data.

Given that the IQR provides useful information about the spread of the data, we can conclude that option A ("The IQR is a better measure of spread for movies than it is for basketball games") is the most appropriate choice.

What is the fist one?

I agree with A because

Box plots do not include means. I agree with your answer.

They might want you to look at skewness. If the data is skewed you would use the IQR.

Q1 65 95 median difference of 30
95 median Q3 125 difference of 30
not skewed so SD could be used.

second one
Q1 95 median 125 30
Q3 145 median 125 20
skewed so IQR is better.

its not A