A compound on analysis as 87:8% c,12:2%h determine its empirical formular&molecular formular given mass=56gmol

Take a 100 g sample which gives you

87.8g C
12.2 g H
Convert to mols = g/atomic mass

87.8/12 = approx 7.3
12.2/1 = 12.2

Determine the ratio of the two elements to each other with the lowest number being no less than 1.00. The easy to do that is to divide both numbers by the smaller number.
7.3/7.3 = 1
12.2/7.3 = 1.67

Those are not whole numbers so multiply them by 2 and see if that works.
1 x 2 = 2
1.67 x 2 = 3.34. Doesn't work. Multiply by 3
1 x 3 = 3
1.67 x 3 = 5.01. Close so round to whole numbers; therefore, the empirical formula is C3H5. If you didn't make a typo with the 56 molar mass, I would say the molecular formula is C3H5.

To determine the empirical and molecular formula of a compound given its percentage composition and molar mass, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the percentage composition to grams.
In this case, the compound is composed of 87.8% C and 12.2% H. To convert these percentages to grams, assume you have a 100g sample of the compound. Therefore,
- The mass of C = 87.8g (87.8% of 100g)
- The mass of H = 12.2g (12.2% of 100g)

Step 2: Convert the mass of each element to moles.
To convert grams to moles, divide the mass of each element by its molar mass. The molar mass of carbon (C) is 12.01 g/mol, and the molar mass of hydrogen (H) is 1.01 g/mol.
- Moles of C = 87.8g / 12.01 g/mol ≈ 7.31 mol
- Moles of H = 12.2g / 1.01 g/mol ≈ 12.08 mol

Step 3: Get the simplest ratio of the elements.
Divide the number of moles of each element by the smallest number of moles obtained in step 2 (in this case, 7.31 mol).
- C: 7.31 mol / 7.31 mol = 1
- H: 12.08 mol / 7.31 mol ≈ 1.65

Since we cannot have a fraction as a subscript in a molecular formula, multiply the ratios by 2 to get the empirical formula.
- C: 1 * 2 = 2
- H: 1.65 * 2 ≈ 3.3

The empirical formula is C2H3.

Step 4: Determine the molecular formula.
To find the molecular formula, you need the molar mass of the compound. You are given that the molar mass is 56 g/mol.

Divide the molar mass by the empirical formula mass to get the repetition factor.
- Molar mass = 56 g/mol
- Empirical formula mass = (2 * atomic mass of C) + (3 * atomic mass of H)
= (2 * 12.01 g/mol) + (3 * 1.01 g/mol)
≈ 24.02 g/mol + 3.03 g/mol
≈ 27.05 g/mol

- Repetition Factor = Molar mass / Empirical formula mass
= 56 g/mol / 27.05 g/mol
≈ 2.07

Since you can't have a fractional repetition factor, round the value to the nearest whole number, which is 2.

Now, multiply the empirical formula by the repetition factor to obtain the molecular formula.
- Molecular formula = (C2H3) * 2
= C4H6

Therefore, the empirical formula is C2H3, and the molecular formula is C4H6.

Well, it seems like this compound is quite the mystery, but fear not, for I am here to help you solve it! Let's break it down step by step.

To determine the empirical formula, we need to find the simplest whole number ratio between the elements. So, let's start by assuming we have 100g of the compound. That would give us 87.8g of carbon and 12.2g of hydrogen.

Step 1: Convert grams to moles.
- Carbon: 87.8g / 12.01g/mol (molar mass of carbon) = 7.313 moles of carbon
- Hydrogen: 12.2g / 1.01g/mol (molar mass of hydrogen) = 12.08 moles of hydrogen

Step 2: Divide moles by the smallest number of moles.
- Carbon: 7.313 / 7.313 ≈ 1
- Hydrogen: 12.08 / 7.313 ≈ 1.65

Since the ratio between carbon and hydrogen is not a whole number, we multiply both ratios by 2 to get a whole number ratio.

- Carbon: 1 x 2 = 2
- Hydrogen: 1.65 x 2 = 3.3 ≈ 3

Therefore, the empirical formula would be CH2. Quite simple, isn't it?

Now, onto the molecular formula! To determine this, we need to know the molar mass of the compound. You mentioned the mass is 56g/mol. The molar mass of CH2 is approximately 14.03g/mol (one carbon atom plus two hydrogen atoms).

To calculate the ratio between the empirical and molecular formulas, divide the molar mass of the compound by the molar mass of the empirical formula:

56g/mol / 14.03g/mol ≈ 3.99 ≈ 4

So, the molecular formula would be four times the empirical formula, which gives us C4H8. Ta-da!

Congratulations on solving the compound mystery with a little help from Clown Bot! Keep up the great work, and let me know if you need any more humor-filled assistance!

To determine the empirical formula of the compound, you need to find the ratio of the elements present in the compound.

Step 1: Convert the percentage values to grams.
If we assume we have 100 grams of the compound, it would contain:
87.8 grams of carbon (C)
12.2 grams of hydrogen (H)

Step 2: Determine the moles of each element.
To find the number of moles, divide the mass of each element by its molar mass.
The molar mass of carbon (C) is 12.01 g/mol, and of hydrogen (H) is 1.01 g/mol.

Moles of carbon (C) = 87.8 g / 12.01 g/mol
Moles of hydrogen (H) = 12.2 g / 1.01 g/mol

Step 3: Find the simplest whole number ratio.
Divide the moles of each element by the smallest number of moles to find the simplest whole number ratio.

Moles of C / Moles of H = (87.8 g / 12.01 g/mol) / (12.2 g / 1.01 g/mol)
= 7.3139

Round to the nearest whole number: 7

Step 4: Write the empirical formula.
The empirical formula is written by representing the ratio of elements in the compound in the smallest whole number form.

Empirical formula = CH7

To find the molecular formula, you need to know the molar mass of the compound. Given that the molar mass is 56 g/mol, and the empirical formula mass (EFM) is calculated by adding the molar masses of all the atoms in the empirical formula.

Calculate the empirical formula mass (EFM):
EFM = (1.01 g/mol) + (12.01 g/mol × 7) = 85.08 g/mol

Step 5: Find the whole number multiple.
Divide the molar mass by the empirical formula mass to find the whole number multiple.

Whole number multiple = (molar mass) / (EFM)
= 56 g/mol / 85.08 g/mol
= 0.658

Step 6: Determine the molecular formula.
Multiply the empirical formula by the whole number multiple to obtain the molecular formula.

Molecular formula = (CH7) × 0.658

The molecular formula is approximately C5H5.