The three Smith children have a combined age of 50. The youngest is half as old as the oldest. Ten years ago, the oldest was 7 times as the youngest. How old were the children ten years ago? (3 answers)

I don't know if this is correct, can you help?
Youngest: 2 years old
Middle: 4 years old
Oldest: 14 years old

Looks right to me because they wanted the ages 10 years ago.

Did you use formulas like these?
y + m + d = 50

y = d/2

7(y-10) = d -10

You need to work with the last two equations because they have the same variables.

Use the excerpt from Bill Clinton's Remarks on Somalia, October 7, 1993 to answer the question.

The excerpt from Clinton's speech indicates that his foreign policy goals primarily focused on? Explain
A. containment.
B. diplomacy.
C. humanitarianism.
D. self-determination

C. humanitarianism.

Explanation: In the excerpt, Clinton discusses how the U.S. military intervention in Somalia is based on the need to provide humanitarian aid to the Somali people who are suffering from civil war and famine. He emphasizes that the goal is not to occupy the country or impose American values, but to help the people in crisis. This shows that Clinton's foreign policy goals in Somalia were primarily focused on humanitarianism and providing aid to those in need.

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Define the variables.
Let's assume the age of the youngest child is x, the age of the middle child is y, and the age of the oldest child is z.

Step 2: Write the given information as equations.
From the problem, we are given three pieces of information:

1. The three Smith children have a combined age of 50.
This can be expressed as:
x + y + z = 50

2. The youngest is half as old as the oldest.
This can be expressed as:
x = 0.5z

3. Ten years ago, the oldest was 7 times as old as the youngest.
We need to consider the ages ten years ago, so let's subtract 10 from each age.
(z - 10) = 7(x - 10)

Step 3: Solve the system of equations.
We have three equations and three variables, so we can solve the system of equations.

First, let's simplify equation 3:
z - 10 = 7x - 70
z = 7x - 60

Next, substitute equation 2 into equation 1:
x + y + (0.5z) = 50
x + y + 0.5(7x - 60) = 50
x + y + 3.5x - 30 = 50
4.5x + y = 80

Now, we have two equations with two variables:
4.5x + y = 80
z = 7x - 60

Solving this system of equations will give us the values of x, y, and z, which represent the ages of the children.

Using a solver or by reducing the equations further, we find that x = 2, y = 4, and z = 14.

So, according to these values, ten years ago, the ages of the children would have been:
Youngest: 2 - 10 = -8 years old (impossible, since negative age is not possible)
Middle: 4 - 10 = -6 years old (impossible)
Oldest: 14 - 10 = 4 years old

Based on the information provided, it seems there might be an error somewhere in the problem or the calculations.