Hi i need help on this Test, I put a gold star near my answers! hopefully they show uP!


Write a ratio and a percent for the shaded area.

a 4 x 5 grid with 6 blocks shaded (1 point)
6 over 25, 30%
3/50, 6%
6 over 25, 24%
3/10, 30%

3. Write the ratio as a percent.
In the seventh grade class, StartFraction 19 Over 25 EndFraction students voted in favor of having a class picnic. (1 point)
4. Write the decimal as a percent.

0.09 (1 point)
5. Write the percent as a decimal.

37.1% (1 point)
6. Order from least to greatest.
0.8, seven-eighths, 81%, nineteen-twenty-fifths

(1 point)
0.8, seven-eighths, 81%, nineteen-twenty-fifths
0.8, 81%, nineteen-twenty-fifths, seven-eighths
seven-eighths, 81%, 0.8, nineteen-twenty-fifths
nineteen-twenty-fifths, 0.8, 81%, seven-eighths
7. In a candy bar, 165 calories are from sugar. There are 250 calories in the candy bar. What percent of the calories are from sugar? (1 point)
For questions 8 and 9, write the fraction as a percent. If necessary, round to the nearest tenth of a percent.
8. four over fifteen (1 point)
9. Write the fraction as a percent. If necessary, round to the nearest tenth of a percent.

52 over 5 (1 point)
10. Write the percent as a decimal and a fraction.

365% (1 point)
36.5; 3five sixths
36.5; 3one over three
3.65; 3three fifths
3.65; 313 over 20
11. The science club sold 25 T-shirts last week and 18 T-shirts this week. What is the percentage of decrease in the number of T-shirts sold? (1 point)
12. On a factory floor, 40 of every 150 toy robots are defective. What percent of the toy robots are defective? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth. (1 point)
13. A new law requires that 15% of an individual’s income be invested in the stock market. Your accounts show that you need to put $435 in the stock market this year. How much did you earn this year? (1 point)
14. 30% of what number is 60? (1 point)
15. Estimate a 20% tip for a meal that cost $42.50. (1 point)
16. You and some friends rent a limousine for a formal reception. The bill for the evening is $70.00. A tax of 8% will be added to your total, and you want to tip the chauffeur for his excellent driving. You decide to leave him a tip that is 20% of the bill before tax is added. How much will be paid in total? (1 point)

17. Find the percent of markup. Round to the nearest tenth.

$33.00 to $45.00 (1 point)

1. 6/(4*5) = 6/20 = 3/10 = 30%.

3. 19/25 = 0.76 = 76%.

4. 0.09 * 100% = 9%.

5. 37.1%/100% = 0.371.

6. 0.8 = 80%; 7/8 = 87.5%.

19/25 = 0.76 = 76%.

Order: 19/25, 0.8, 81%, 7/8.

7. (165/250) * 100% =

8. (4/15) * 100% =

9. (52/5) * 100% =

10. 365%/100% = 3.65 = 3 13/20.

11. 100% - (18/25)*100% =

12. (40/150) * 100% =

13. 0.15I = 435, I = ?.

14. 0.3 * N = 60, N = ?.

15. 20%/100% = 1/5, 42.50/5 = ?.

16. 70 + 0.08*70 + 0.20*70 =

17. (45/33)*100% - 100% =

Here are the step-by-step solutions to the questions:

1. To find the ratio, you need to calculate the shaded area over the total number of blocks. In this case, there are 6 shaded blocks out of a total of 20 blocks (4 x 5 grid) since each block represents 1 unit. Therefore, the ratio is 6/20 or 3/10. To represent this ratio as a percent, you need to multiply it by 100. So, the percent is 3/10 x 100 = 30%.

2. The ratio is given as 19/25. To express the ratio as a percent, you need to multiply it by 100. So, the percent is 19/25 x 100 = 76%.

3. The given decimal is 0.09. To convert the decimal to a percent, you must multiply it by 100. So, the percent is 0.09 x 100 = 9%.

4. The given percent is 37.1%. To convert the percent to a decimal, you must divide it by 100. So, the decimal is 37.1/100 = 0.371.

5. To order the numbers from least to greatest, you can convert them all to decimals. The given numbers are: 0.8, seven-eighths (which is approximately 0.875), 81% (which is 0.81 as a decimal), and nineteen-twenty-fifths (which is 19/25 or approximately 0.76 as a decimal). Therefore, the order from least to greatest is: 0.76, 0.8, 0.81, 0.875.

6. To find the percent of calories from sugar, you need to divide the number of calories from sugar (165) by the total number of calories (250) and then multiply by 100. So, the percent is (165/250) x 100 = 66%.

8. To convert the fraction 4/15 to a percent, you need to divide the numerator (4) by the denominator (15) and then multiply by 100. So, the percent is (4/15) x 100 = 26.7%.

9. To convert the fraction 52/5 to a percent, you need to divide the numerator (52) by the denominator (5) and then multiply by 100. So, the percent is (52/5) x 100 = 1,040%.

10. To convert the percent 365% to a decimal, you need to divide it by 100. So, the decimal is 365/100 = 3.65. To convert the percent 365% to a fraction, you need to divide it by 100 and simplify if possible. So, the fraction is 365/100 = 73/20.

11. To find the percentage of decrease in the number of T-shirts sold, you need to subtract the number of T-shirts sold this week (18) from the number sold last week (25), divide the result by the number sold last week (25), and then multiply by 100. So, the percentage of decrease is [(25 - 18)/25] x 100 = 28%.

12. To find the percent of toy robots that are defective, you need to divide the number of defective toys (40) by the total number of toys (150) and then multiply by 100. So, the percent is (40/150) x 100 = 26.67%.

13. To find the amount of income earned this year, you need to divide the amount to be invested in the stock market ($435) by the required percentage of income to be invested (15%) and then multiply by 100. So, the income earned is ($435/15%) x 100 = $2,900.00.

14. To find the number that corresponds to 30% of a given number, you need to divide the given number (60) by the percent (30%) and then multiply by 100. So, the number is (60/30%) x 100 = 200.

15. To estimate a 20% tip for a meal that cost $42.50, you need to multiply the cost of the meal ($42.50) by the percent (20%) and then divide by 100. So, the estimated tip is ($42.50 x 20%) / 100 = $8.50.

16. To find the total amount paid including tax and tip, you need to add the cost of the bill ($70.00) to the amount of tax (8% of $70.00) and the amount of tip (20% of $70.00). So, the total amount paid is $70.00 + (8% of $70.00) + (20% of $70.00) = $70.00 + $5.60 + $14.00 = $89.60.

17. To find the percent of markup, you need to subtract the original price ($33.00) from the final price ($45.00), divide the result by the original price ($33.00), and then multiply by 100. So, the percent of markup is [(45.00 - 33.00)/33.00] x 100 = 36.4%.

To solve these problems, we will go through each of them one by one:

1. Write a ratio and a percent for the shaded area in a 4 x 5 grid with 6 blocks shaded:

The total number of blocks in the grid is 4 x 5 = 20 blocks.
The ratio of shaded blocks to the total blocks is 6/20.
To convert this ratio to a percent, we can multiply by 100.
So, 6/20 * 100 = 30%.

Therefore, the correct answer is: 6 over 25, 30%.

2. Write the ratio as a percent for the number of students who voted in favor of having a class picnic:

The ratio of students who voted in favor to the total number of students is 19/25.
To convert this ratio to a percent, we can multiply by 100.
So, 19/25 * 100 = 76%.

Therefore, the correct answer is: 76%.

3. Write the decimal 0.09 as a percent:

To convert a decimal to a percent, we can multiply by 100.
So, 0.09 * 100 = 9%.

Therefore, the correct answer is: 9%.

4. Write the percent 37.1% as a decimal:

To convert a percent to a decimal, we divide by 100.
So, 37.1% / 100 = 0.371.

Therefore, the correct answer is: 0.371.

5. Order the numbers from least to greatest: 0.8, seven-eighths, 81%, nineteen-twenty-fifths:

To compare these numbers, we can convert them to a common form.
First, let's write seven-eighths as a decimal: 7/8 = 0.875.
Next, let's write 81% as a decimal: 81% / 100 = 0.81.
Lastly, let's write nineteen-twenty-fifths as a decimal: 19/25 = 0.76.

Now we can compare them from least to greatest: 0.76, 0.8, 0.875, 0.81.

Therefore, the correct answer is: nineteen-twenty-fifths, 0.8, seven-eighths, 81%.

6. Calculate the percentage of calories that are from sugar:

To find the percentage, we can divide the number of calories from sugar by the total number of calories and multiply by 100.
So, 165 / 250 * 100 = 66%.

Therefore, the correct answer is: 66%.

For the remaining questions, please provide the fraction or percent so I can help you convert it.

@Henry.. almost all of your answers are incorrect