School wants to record the weight of 80 students when they got admission in school. And at end of every year their weight will be recorded. So that the difference will be forwarded to the nutritionist maintain class health chart.

Use 1D arrays to calculate these.
• Input Names of 80 students
• Input height of 80 students
• Input firstweight, secondweight results of 80 students
• Calculate the BMI of 80 Student based on BMI = Weight (kg) / (Height (m) x Height (m))
• If BMI is Less than 20.5 then normal if more than over weight.
• Calculate difference of both weights of 80 students
• And at end calculate the average of total weight

To solve this problem using 1D arrays, follow these steps:

1. Create three 1D arrays: `names`, `heights`, and `weights`. Each array will have a size of 80 to store the names, heights, and weights of the students.

2. Input the names of all 80 students and store them in the `names` array.

3. Input the heights of all 80 students and store them in the `heights` array.

4. Input the first weights (entry weights) of all 80 students and store them in a temporary array called `firstWeights`.

5. Input the second weights (end-of-year weights) of all 80 students and store them in a temporary array called `secondWeights`.

6. Calculate the BMI (Body Mass Index) of each student using the formula: `BMI = Weight (kg) / (Height (m) x Height (m))`. Store these values in another 1D array called `bmi`.

7. Create an empty 1D array called `weightDifference` to store the weight difference (end-of-year weight - entry weight) of each student.

8. Calculate the weight difference for each student by subtracting the corresponding values in the `firstWeights` array from the `secondWeights` array, and store the results in the `weightDifference` array.

9. Create two variables: `totalWeight` and `numberOfStudents` both initialized to 0.

10. Iterate through each student's weight in the `secondWeights` array, add it to `totalWeight`, and increment `numberOfStudents` by 1.

11. Calculate the average weight by dividing `totalWeight` by `numberOfStudents`.

Here's a sample code in Python to implement the steps mentioned above:

# Step 1
names = []
heights = []
weights = []

# Step 2
for i in range(80):
names.append(input(f"Enter name of student {i+1}: "))

# Step 3
for i in range(80):
heights.append(float(input(f"Enter height of student {i+1} in meters: ")))

# Step 4
firstWeights = []
for i in range(80):
firstWeights.append(float(input(f"Enter first weight of student {i+1} in kg: ")))

# Step 5
secondWeights = []
for i in range(80):
secondWeights.append(float(input(f"Enter second weight of student {i+1} in kg: ")))

# Step 6
bmi = []
for i in range(80):
bmi.append(secondWeights[i] / (heights[i] * heights[i]))

# Step 7
weightDifference = []
for i in range(80):
weightDifference.append(secondWeights[i] - firstWeights[i])

# Step 8
totalWeight = 0
numberOfStudents = 0
for weight in secondWeights:
totalWeight += weight
numberOfStudents += 1

# Step 11
averageWeight = totalWeight / numberOfStudents

print("BMI of students:")
for i in range(80):
print(f"{names[i]}: {bmi[i]}")

print("Weight differences of students:")
for i in range(80):
print(f"{names[i]}: {weightDifference[i]}")

print(f"Average weight: {averageWeight} kg")

Note: This is just a sample code to demonstrate the implementation. You may need to modify it according to your programming language and any specific requirements.

To solve this problem using 1D arrays, you can follow these steps:

1. Create three arrays to store the student names, heights, and weights. Each array should have a size of 80 to accommodate all the students.

2. Use a loop to input the names, heights, and weights of the 80 students. Within the loop, prompt the user to enter the name, height, and weight of each student and store the values in their respective arrays.

3. Calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI) for each student. BMI is calculated by dividing the weight (in kg) by the square of the height (in meters). Create a new array, let's call it "bmiArray," to store the calculated BMI values.

4. Use another loop to iterate over the weight arrays and calculate the difference between the first weight and the second weight for each student. Create a new array, let's call it "weightDifference," to store these differences.

5. Determine if each student is classified as normal weight or overweight based on their BMI. Create a new array, let's call it "weightClassification," to store the classification results. Compare the BMI of each student with 20.5, and if it is less than 20.5, assign "Normal" to the corresponding index in the classification array; otherwise, assign "Overweight".

6. Calculate the average weight of all the students by summing up the weights and dividing by the total number of students. Use a loop to iterate through the weight array and calculate the sum. Then, divide the sum by 80 (the total number of students) to get the average weight.

Here's a pseudocode representation of the solution:


sumOfWeights = 0

for i = 0 to 79:
prompt and store nameArray[i]
prompt and store heightArray[i]
prompt and store weightArray1[i]
prompt and store weightArray2[i]

bmiArray[i] = weightArray1[i] / (heightArray[i] * heightArray[i])
weightDifference[i] = weightArray2[i] - weightArray1[i]

if bmiArray[i] < 20.5:
weightClassification[i] = "Normal"
weightClassification[i] = "Overweight"

sumOfWeights = sumOfWeights + weightArray1[i]

averageWeight = sumOfWeights / 80

This pseudocode can be implemented in a programming language of your choice (e.g., Python, Java, C++) to obtain the desired solution.