Which of the following is an example of heat transfer by radiation?

A. Wind currents
B. a pot of water boiling on the stove
C. a bare foot on a hot sidewalk
D. a microwave oven heating food

I think B? Not sure?



Ok thanks..

Amber I know this is way too late but it would’ve been D. Microwaves use radiation to heat food

You're on the right track! Heat transfer by radiation is the process by which heat is transferred through electromagnetic waves. It does not require a medium, such as air or water, to transfer heat. Now let's analyze each of the given options to determine which one involves heat transfer by radiation:

A. Wind currents: Wind currents involve the transfer of heat by convection, where warm air rises, displaces cooler air, and creates a circulation pattern. This does not involve radiation.

B. A pot of water boiling on the stove: This process involves the transfer of heat by conduction, where heat is transferred through direct contact between the stove and the pot. It does not involve radiation.

C. A bare foot on a hot sidewalk: This process involves the transfer of heat by conduction, where heat is transferred directly from the hot sidewalk to the foot through contact. It does not involve radiation.

D. A microwave oven heating food: In a microwave oven, heat is transferred through radiation. Microwaves produce electromagnetic waves that excite the water molecules in food, generating heat by molecular movement. This involves radiation.

Based on this analysis, option D, a microwave oven heating food, is the correct example of heat transfer by radiation.