find the distance covered when speed is 960 km/hr and time is 1hr 50min.

To find distance covered when speed is 960 km/hr and time is 1 hour and 50 minutes, you can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

First, convert 1 hour and 50 minutes to hours.

Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, dividing 50 minutes by 60 will give you 0.83 hours. Adding this to the 1 hour gives a total time of 1.83 hours.

Now, plug in the values into the formula:

Distance = 960 km/hr × 1.83 hours

Multiplying 960 km/hr by 1.83 hours gives a total distance of 1,756.8 kilometers.

Therefore, the distance covered when the speed is 960 km/hr and the time is 1 hour and 50 minutes is 1,756.8 kilometers.

it is waste to see your answers worst fellow


find out the distance covered when speed is 960km/hours and time is 1hours 3 min

Recall that speed is distance travelled over time, or

v = d/t

Rearranging the formula to solve for distance,
d = v*t

d = (960 km/hr) * (1 hr & 50 min)

Note that 1 hour = 60 minutes, so 50 minutes is 5/6 of an hour. Rewriting,
d = (960) * (1 + 5/6)
d = (960) * (11/6)
d = ?

Now solve for d. Units in km.
Hope this helps~ `u`