George Washington warned that political parties would

A) Divide the nation
B) Create lively debate
C) Help the nation
D) Destroy states' rights
Is the answer A??


Thank you Ms.Sue (:

You're welcome. :-)

Yes, the correct answer is A) Divide the nation. George Washington, in his Farewell Address in 1796, warned against the dangers of political parties and their potential to divide the nation. He believed that excessive party spirit would lead to factionalism and animosity among different groups within the country, undermining national unity and the common good.

If you want to find the answer to questions like this in the future, it can be helpful to familiarize yourself with historical documents, speeches, or writings of notable figures related to the topic. In this case, knowing about George Washington's Farewell Address and his views on political parties would lead you to the correct answer. Additionally, considering the context and potential consequences of different options can also help you arrive at the correct answer.