Which herbal remedy would most likely be used to treat a sunburn?

a. te de manzanilla
b. una de gato
c. aloe vera
d. sangre de drago***

Pst! Sangre de Drago translates to blood of the dragon. That's not right!

I got the answer. It's Aloe Vera

Dude it's obviously aloe Vera


so is it a?

LOL - name is the same in US pharmacies.

It is not the cat stuff.

Oh boy people, have any of you every had a sunburn? Of course its Aloe Vera! >:V

nope @Sai' Daddi I'm black. My skin would just get crispy.

The herbal remedy that is most commonly used to treat a sunburn is c. aloe vera. Aloe vera has soothing and moisturizing properties that can help relieve inflammation and pain associated with sunburns.

To find the answer to this question, you can start by researching different herbal remedies that are commonly used for treating sunburns. One way to do this is by looking up information on reputable websites or consulting books on herbal medicine. Another approach is to consult healthcare professionals or herbalists who are knowledgeable in this area.

After gathering information about different herbal remedies, you can evaluate their effectiveness and safety for treating sunburns. Look for scientific studies, anecdotal evidence, and expert opinions that support the use of a particular herbal remedy for sunburn relief.

In this case, aloe vera is a well-known and widely used herbal remedy for treating sunburns, backed by both scientific evidence and popular usage. It has a cooling and soothing effect on the skin, helps reduce redness and inflammation, and promotes healing. However, it's important to keep in mind that individual reactions to herbal remedies may vary, and it's always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or pre-existing conditions.

From the provided options, the correct answer is c. aloe vera.

No. I've checked two of your guesses. You're on your own now.