a mathematics

question contained 20
items. every wrong answer
scores -2marks, every
correct answer scores
4marks and no mark for no
answer. (a) find the minimum possible score (b) Tembo had 10 correct answers, 8 wrong answers and 2 no answers. What was his mark? (c) Bwalya scored 14 marks having got 5 answers wrong (i) how many answers did he get correct? (ii) how many questions did he not attempt?

(a) clearly, 20 * -2

(b) 10*4 - 8*2 + 2*0
(c) 4*c - 5*2 = 14
(d) 20-(c+5) using the value for c above

a. 40

20 x 4 = 80 (max)
20 x 2 = 40
80 – 40 = 40 (min)

b. 2 marks

10 (correct answers) x 4 (marks given to every correct answer) = 40
8 (wrong answers) x 2 (marks deducted to every wrong answer) = 16
40 (marks by correct answer) – 16 (marks that will be deducted) = 2

c. 24

14 (marks) + [(5, wrong answers) (2, marks deducted for every wrong answer)]
14 + 10 = 24

I. 6

14 (marks) + [(5, wrong answers) (2, marks deducted for every wrong answer)]
14 + 10 = 24
24 (supposed to be total mark) / 4 (marks given for every correct answer) = 6

II. 14

80 (max mark) – 24 (mark of Bwalya) = 56
56 / 4 (mark given to every correct answer) = 14


Please correct me if I'm wrong thanks xx

To solve these problems, we need to understand the scoring system and use basic mathematical operations. Let's break down each question step by step:

(a) To find the minimum possible score, we need to assume that every item is answered incorrectly. Since every wrong answer scores -2 marks, the minimum possible score would be the total number of items multiplied by -2.

Minimum score = Total number of items × (-2)
Minimum score = 20 × (-2)
Minimum score = -40

Therefore, the minimum possible score is -40.

(b) To determine Tembo's mark, we need to calculate the total score based on the given number of correct answers, wrong answers, and no answers. For each correct answer, he scores 4 marks, for each wrong answer, he loses 2 marks, and no answer receives no marks.

Total score = (Number of correct answers × Score for correct answer) + (Number of wrong answers × Score for wrong answer)
Total score = (10 × 4) + (8 × -2)
Total score = 40 - 16
Total score = 24

Therefore, Tembo's mark is 24.

(c) (i) To find the number of correct answers that Bwalya got, we need to subtract the number of wrong answers from the total number of items.

Number of correct answers = Total number of items - Number of wrong answers
Number of correct answers = 20 - 5
Number of correct answers = 15

Therefore, Bwalya got 15 answers correct.

(ii) To calculate the number of questions that Bwalya did not attempt, we need to subtract the sum of correct answers, wrong answers, and no answers from the total number of items.

Number of questions not attempted = Total number of items - (Number of correct answers + Number of wrong answers + Number of no answers)
Number of questions not attempted = 20 - (15 + 5 + 0)
Number of questions not attempted = 20 - 20
Number of questions not attempted = 0

Therefore, Bwalya did not attempt any questions.