1.Which is NOT a type of Psychotherapy used to treat mental disorders

A. insight therapy
B. Group Therapy (picked this one)
C. Drug therapy
D. Cognitive therapy
2.Which is NOT a health professional who treats mental and emotional disorders?
A. Psychiatrist
B. neurologist
C. Social worker
D. Phychologist
3.A person who does not recognize the signs of a mental illness may not know he needs help?
A True (picked this one)
B. False
4.Which of the following is NOT a kind of Phychotherapy
A. insight
B. Cognitive
C. medications
D. Group
5. A mental health professional that is link between community services and a patient is a?
A. Psychologist
B. Psychiatrist
C. Social worker (picked this one)
D. Neurologist
6. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for depression and/or suicide?
A. A parent or other close biological relative with a mood disorder.
B. Experiencing a violent crime or witnessing violence
C. Being sad for a while after your friend moves away
D. A previous bout of depression (picked this one)
7. If you're concerned about factors associated with mental illness, you don't need to worry about?
A. Heredity
B. Virus infections
C. Physical factors
D. Early experiences
8. If you've started a lot of hobbies all at once, you should watch out for clinical depression to set in.
9. Who should address the needs for a patient with a mental disorder?
A. speech therapist
B. Internal medicine doctor
C. mental health professional (picked this one)
D. medical intern

1. B. Group Therapy

2. B. neurologist
3. A. True
4. C. medications
5. C. Social worker
6. D. A previous bout of depression
7. B. Virus infections
8. False
9. C. mental health professional

1. The correct answer is B. Group Therapy. To determine this, you can review the different options and their descriptions. Insight therapy, drug therapy, and cognitive therapy are all well-known types of psychotherapy used to treat mental disorders. However, group therapy is not a type of psychotherapy itself; rather, it is a method of delivering psychotherapy where a group of individuals participate in therapy together. By understanding the definitions and descriptions of each option, you can identify group therapy as the correct answer.

2. The correct answer is B. Neurologist. To determine this, you can evaluate the options and their roles in treating mental and emotional disorders. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating mental illnesses, whereas a psychologist is a mental health professional who can assess and provide therapy for mental disorders. A social worker is also involved in treating mental and emotional disorders by providing counseling and connecting individuals with community services. However, a neurologist primarily focuses on diagnosing and treating disorders of the nervous system and is not typically involved in treating mental and emotional disorders.

3. The correct answer is A. True. To determine this, you can analyze the statement logically. If a person does not recognize the signs of a mental illness, they may not realize that they need help. It is important to be aware of the signs of mental illness and seek help when needed. Therefore, selecting the true option is the correct answer.

4. The correct answer is C. Medications. To determine this, you can review the options and their definitions. Insight therapy, cognitive therapy, and group therapy are all recognized types of psychotherapy used to treat mental disorders. However, medications are not considered a form of psychotherapy; they are a separate treatment approach involving the use of prescription drugs. By understanding the definitions of each option, you can identify medications as the correct answer.

5. The correct answer is C. Social worker. To determine this, you can evaluate the options and their roles. A psychologist is a mental health professional who assesses and provides therapy for mental disorders, while a psychiatrist is a medical doctor specializing in diagnosing and treating mental illnesses. A neurologist focuses on disorders of the nervous system, and a social worker acts as a link between community services and patients, providing counseling and support. By understanding the roles of each profession, you can identify social worker as the correct answer.

6. The correct answer is D. A previous bout of depression. To determine this, you can assess each option's relevance to the question. Risk factors for depression and/or suicide include having a close biological relative with a mood disorder, experiencing violence, and being sad for a while after a significant event. A previous bout of depression, on the other hand, is more associated with an increased risk of future depression rather than being a stand-alone risk factor. By understanding the relevance of each option, you can identify a previous bout of depression as the correct answer.

7. The correct answer is B. Virus infections. To determine this, you can assess each option's association with mental illness. Heredity, physical factors, and early experiences are all recognized factors associated with mental illness; however, virus infections are not typically linked to the development of mental illness. By understanding the associations between each option and mental illness, you can identify virus infections as the correct answer.

8. The correct answer is False. To determine this, you can evaluate the statement logically. Starting a lot of hobbies all at once is not necessarily an indicator of clinical depression. While changes in interests and hobbies can sometimes be a sign of depression, it is important to consider other symptoms and patterns of behavior before determining a diagnosis. Therefore, selecting False as the answer is more accurate.

9. The correct answer is C. Mental health professional. To determine this, you can consider the best option to address the needs of a patient with a mental disorder. A speech therapist primarily focuses on improving speech and language skills, while an internal medicine doctor specializes in diagnosing and treating internal medical conditions. A medical intern is a medical student in training. However, a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, or social worker, is specifically trained to address the needs of patients with mental disorders. By understanding the roles of each option, you can identify mental health professional as the correct answer.

1. No

2. ??
3. Yes
4. ??
5. Yes
6. No
7. ??
8. ??
9. Yes.