A computer is reduced by 15% in a sale. The original price is £560. Calculate the sale price

560 * 0.85 = ?


560 / .85 = $658.82

To calculate the sale price of the computer, you need to subtract 15% of the original price from the original price.

Step 1: Calculate the discount amount:
Discount amount = 15% of £560

To calculate 15% of £560, you can multiply £560 by 0.15:
Discount amount = £560 * 0.15

Step 2: Subtract the discount amount from the original price:
Sale price = Original price - Discount amount

Now, let's calculate the sale price:

Discount amount = £560 * 0.15
= £84

Sale price = £560 - £84
= £476

So, the sale price of the computer is £476.