I don't understand how to solve this problem... help?



Combine like terms.

3r - 8 = 16

Add 8 to both sides.

3r = 24

r = 8


Distribute the negative~
Add like terms~
Add 8 to each side (opposite operation)~
/3 on each side (again, opposite operation)~

PPPSSSHHH oops I ment 9...

I accidentally had 9 in my head -_-

NOOOO I ment 8!!!!!

im so sorry!

To solve this problem, we need to simplify the equation and isolate the variable r.

Step 1: Distribute the 5 to the terms inside the parentheses:
5r - (2r + 8) = 16
5r - 2r - 8 = 16

Step 2: Combine like terms on the left side of the equation:
(5r - 2r) - 8 = 16
3r - 8 = 16

Step 3: Move the constant term (-8) to the right side of the equation by adding 8 to both sides:
3r - 8 + 8 = 16 + 8
3r = 24

Step 4: Divide both sides of the equation by the coefficient of r, which is 3:
3r / 3 = 24 / 3
r = 8

So, the solution to the equation is r = 8.