I am not responsible for paying taxes to the British king.

Which kind of colonist most likely made this statement?

A Loyalist, because most Loyalists believed Britain owed payments to the colonies

A British official, because British colonial leaders argued against the king's policies

An undecided colonist, because both Patriots and Loyalists agreed that British taxes were fair

A Patriot, because Patriots believed they owed nothing to a government they did not choose

ok thank you :D

To determine which kind of colonist most likely made this statement, it is important to understand the context and views of different groups during colonial times.

The statement implies that the person making it is asserting they are not responsible for paying taxes to the British king. Let's evaluate each option:

1. A Loyalist: Loyalists were colonists who remained loyal to the British crown. They believed in the authority of the British government and were generally supportive of British policies. It is unlikely that a Loyalist would make this statement, as they would typically believe in their obligation to pay taxes to the British king.

2. A British official: British colonial leaders argued against the king's policies if they believed it was in the best interest of the colonies. While some British officials may have opposed certain policies, it is unlikely that they would make such a statement explicitly distancing themselves from paying taxes to the king.

3. An undecided colonist: This statement implies a clear stance against paying taxes to the British king. Since both Patriots and Loyalists recognized the authority of the British government and had differing opinions on taxation, an undecided colonist would not likely make such a definitive statement.

4. A Patriot: Patriots were colonists who supported the cause of American independence and the establishment of an independent government. This statement aligns with the sentiments expressed by Patriots, as they believed they owed nothing to a government they did not choose.

Therefore, the most likely group to make this statement would be a Patriot, as they believed they were not responsible for paying taxes to the British king.

I think D


I agree. D.

