which of the following effects of the french and indian war most contributed to smuggling in the colonies?

increased taxes from the crown
enforcement of the navigation acts
presence of british soldiers in the colonies
removal of the spanish from flordia
which economic system did british policies after the french and indian war support?
free market
why did the king issue the proclamation of 1763?
to enforce tax on sugar
to establish british soldiers in the colonies
to encourage settlement of lands west of the appalachian mountains
to prevent further conflict with native americans over land
which of the following are accurate statements about the colonists reactions to the proclamation of 1763? choose all that apply

georgians were unaffected by the proclamation because they had no claim to forbidden lands.
colonists were angry that the crown was protecting the americans indians, whom they had just fought in the french and indian war.
colonists believed the king was trying to keep them close to the atlantic coast so he could control them
colonists were pleased that they could peacefully share the new lands with native americans.
my answers 1.A 2.A 3.B I do not know 4

Please repost your questions and this time number your questions.

well I have 1,2,3 but I do not know 4 choose all that apply

georgians were unaffected by the proclamation because they had no claim to forbidden lands.
colonists were angry that the crown was protecting the americans indians, whom they had just fought in the french and indian war.
colonists believed the king was trying to keep them close to the atlantic coast so he could control them
colonists were pleased that they could peacefully share the new lands with native americans.



I think it is A,B,C

am I right Ms.Sue

Yes. I think you're right.

nope not that