The measure of an angles supplement is 76 less than that the measure of the angles. Find the measure of rhe angle and its supplement?

The answer is 128 and 52. How did they get the answer?

To solve this problem, let's assume that the measure of the angle is x degrees.

According to the problem, the measure of its supplement (180 degrees - the angle) is 76 less than the measure of the angle. So, we can write the following equation:

180 - x = x - 76

To solve this equation, let's simplify and solve for x:

180 - x + x = x - 76 + x

180 = 2x - 76

Next, let's isolate the term with x:

180 + 76 = 2x

256 = 2x

Dividing both sides by 2:

x = 128

Therefore, the measure of the angle is 128 degrees.

To find the measure of its supplement, we can subtract the angle from 180:

180 - 128 = 52

Thus, the measure of the angle's supplement is 52 degrees.