What cannot be separated into simpler substances by physical or mechanical methods such as filtering boiling or shifting

You do realize you need to put the answers or no one is gonna know what you're talking about.

Answer choices :

A Crystalline Solid
A Sublimation
A Pure Substance
An Amorphous Solid

The substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances by physical or mechanical methods such as filtering, boiling, or shifting is called an element. An element is a pure substance that consists of only one type of atom. Atoms are the fundamental building blocks of matter, and they are indivisible by physical means. Each element has its own unique set of properties and cannot be decomposed into simpler substances using physical processes alone.

To determine whether a substance is an element or not, you can try the following steps:

1. Filtering: If the substance can be separated into different components using a filter, it is not an element. Filtering involves passing the mixture through a porous material to separate solid particles from the liquid or gas.

2. Boiling: If the substance can evaporate or boil to form a gas or vapor, leaving any impurities behind, it is not an element. Boiling is the process of converting a liquid into a vapor by heating.

3. Shifting: Shifting or separating processes such as sifting or sieving can separate mixtures based on the particle size. If the substance can be separated into different components based on their size through these methods, it is likely not an element.

If none of these physical methods can separate the substance into simpler components, it is likely an element. It would require a chemical process, such as a chemical reaction or decomposition, to break down the substance into its constituent atoms.