can someone help me figure these literal equation out? I did them before but my teacher said they were incorrect.

Solve the following formula for the variable indicated

9. r = d/t, where r = rate, d = distance, and t = time for d
( I didn’t know how to answer this one in the first place)

10. 3x - y = 10 for y
My answer~

What my teacher said~~ Please go back and look at the examples at the end of the lesson.
Examples from the lesson~
Ex. 2 Solve d = m for m
d = m Isolate the m using the inverse operation of
V division which is multiplication of V.
V(d) = m (V)

Ex. 3 Solve P = 2l + 2w for w
P = 2l +
-2l = -2l
P – 2l = 2w
2 2
P – 2l = w

9. r = d/t

For d, multiply both sides by t.

10. y = 3x - 10

How did you get 7x?

3. (P - 21)/2 = w

#9~ could you show me what you mean? please?

#10~ I subtracted 10 from 3

Sure! I can help you understand how to solve these equations.

Question 9: The equation is r = d/t, where r represents the rate, d represents the distance, and t represents the time. To solve this equation for d, we need to isolate d on one side of the equation.

Steps to solve:

1. Start with the equation: r = d/t.
2. Multiply both sides of the equation by t to cancel out the division by t: r * t = (d/t) * t.
3. Simplify: rt = d.
4. Therefore, the equation solved for d is d = rt.

So, to find the value of d, you need to multiply the rate (r) by the time (t).

Question 10: The equation is 3x - y = 10, and you need to solve it for y.

Steps to solve:

1. Start with the equation: 3x - y = 10.
2. To isolate y, we want to get rid of the term with x. So, we can add y to both sides of the equation: 3x - y + y = 10 + y.
3. Simplify: 3x = 10 + y.
4. To solve for y, we need to get y alone on one side of the equation. We can do this by subtracting 10 from both sides: 3x - 10 = 10 + y - 10.
5. Simplify: 3x - 10 = y.
6. Therefore, the equation solved for y is y = 3x - 10.

Based on your answer, it seems like you made a mistake in step 4 of question 10. You added 7x instead of subtracting 10 from both sides. That's why your answer is incorrect. Make sure to carefully follow the steps above to solve the equation correctly.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.