A man sells a tv set for rs 3,450 and makes a profit 15% he sells a second tv set at loss 10%,find the cp ?

To find the cost price (CP) of the TV sets, we need to consider the profit and loss percentages given for each set.

Let's begin with finding the CP for the TV set that was sold with a 15% profit.

1. Calculate the selling price (SP) of the TV set: SP = CP + Profit
SP = Rs 3,450

2. Calculate the profit amount: Profit = (Profit Percentage/100) * CP
Profit Percentage = 15%
Profit = (15/100) * CP

3. Substitute the values into the equation:
Rs 3,450 = CP + (15/100) * CP

4. Simplify the equation:
Rs 3,450 = CP + (15/100) * CP
Rs 3,450 = CP + 0.15CP
Rs 3,450 = 1.15CP

5. Solve for CP:
CP = Rs 3,450 / 1.15
CP = Rs 3,000

Therefore, the cost price (CP) of the TV set sold with a 15% profit is Rs 3,000.

Now, let's find the CP for the TV set that was sold with a 10% loss.

1. Calculate the selling price (SP) of the TV set: SP = CP - Loss
Loss = 10% (written as a positive value for convenience)
SP = CP - (10/100) * CP

2. Substitute the values into the equation:
SP = CP - (10/100) * CP
SP = CP - 0.1CP

3. Since the selling price (SP) for this TV set is unknown, we can't determine the exact cost price (CP). However, we can calculate a range for the CP.

Let's assume the selling price for this TV set is also Rs 3,000 (similar to the previous set).

Rs 3,000 = CP - 0.1CP
Rs 3,000 = 0.9CP

We can solve the equation to find the CP for this assumption:
CP = Rs 3,000 / 0.9
CP = Rs 3,333.33 (approximately)

Based on this assumption, the cost price (CP) for the TV set sold with a 10% loss would be approximately Rs 3,333.33.