How to solve the formula (I=prt for t) for the specified variable

Just like any other equation. Isolate the variable you want. If you had

I = 5t, would that be a problem? No. Well, you have

I = (pr)t
t = I/(pr)

To solve the formula \(I = prt\) for the variable \(t\), you need to isolate \(t\) on one side of the equation. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the formula \(I = prt\).

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by \(pr\). This will help isolate \(t\) on one side.
\[I/pr = prt/pr\]

Step 3: Simplify the right side of the equation by canceling out \(pr\).
\[I/pr = t\]

Step 4: Swap the sides of the equation to have \(t\) on the left side.
\[t = I/pr\]

Therefore, the solution for \(t\) in the formula \(I = prt\) is \(t = I/pr\).

To solve the formula I = prt for t, we need to isolate the variable t.

The formula relates the variables I (interest), p (principal), r (interest rate), and t (time). In this case, we want to solve for t.

Step 1: Divide both sides of the equation by pr to isolate t:
I / (pr) = t

Step 2: Simplify the expression on the left side:
I / (pr) = t

So the solution for t is t = I / (pr).