Which type of terrorists are considered to be the most dangerous and why? domestic or international terrorists??

I'm trying to write an essay that has two parts and i'm stuck on the first part all terrorists are dangerous... i think so anyway

Yes, all terrorists are dangerous. But I think domestic terrorists are more dangerous than international terrorists. The domestic terrorists blend in with everyone else and don't call attention to themselves. They could be the guy next door or the woman sitting next to you in church.

thanks for your input!

You're welcome. Good luck with your paper.

To determine which type of terrorists are considered the most dangerous, it is crucial to analyze the characteristics and factors associated with both domestic and international terrorists. Here's how you can approach your essay:

1. Define domestic and international terrorists:
- Domestic terrorists: These are individuals or groups who carry out acts of terrorism within their own country, targeting the government, institutions, or specific communities.
- International terrorists: These are individuals or groups who operate across international borders to carry out acts of terrorism targeting individuals, groups, or institutions of different countries.

2. Analyze the factors contributing to the danger posed by domestic terrorists:
- Local knowledge and support: Domestic terrorists often have a better understanding of the local environment, including security vulnerabilities, societal dynamics, and potential targets. This knowledge can enable them to plan and execute attacks more effectively.
- Ease of access to targets: Domestic terrorists have less logistical challenges in accessing potential targets within their own country compared to international terrorists, reducing the chances of being detected.
- Familiarity with security protocols: Domestic terrorists may have an advantage in understanding the security protocols and counter-terrorism measures in place, potentially helping them exploit weaknesses.
- Broader network connections: Domestic terrorists can potentially have deeper connections and support from local communities, which may make it easier for them to recruit, gather information, and execute attacks.

3. Assess the factors contributing to the danger posed by international terrorists:
- Global reach and impact: International terrorists have the capacity to carry out attacks in different countries, potentially causing widespread fear and disrupting international relations.
- Access to sophisticated resources: Due to their international network, international terrorists can have access to advanced weaponry, funding, training, and technological support, making their attacks more lethal and destructive.
- Strategic objectives: International terrorists often seek to destabilize societies, promote extremist ideologies, or achieve political aims on a global scale, which may introduce a higher level of danger compared to domestic terrorists.

4. Consider the context and specific examples:
- It's crucial to take into account the context and specific examples to support your arguments. Analyze past incidents involving both domestic and international terrorists, examining the scale of the attack, the number of casualties, and the overall impact on society.

In conclusion, while all terrorists are dangerous, domestic and international terrorists have distinct characteristics that contribute to their level of danger. Determining which one is more dangerous ultimately depends on various factors, such as the scale of attacks, resources, objectives, and societal impact. Your essay should explore these factors while presenting a well-reasoned argument supported by evidence and examples.