a person who is 6 feet tall is standing 108 feet from the base of the tree, and the tree cast a 120 foot shadow . The person's shadow is 12 feet in length that is the height of the tree


What's the question?

I think it's WHAT is the height of the tree.

To find the height of the tree, let's break down the problem into smaller parts.

1. Let's consider the height of the person as 6 feet.
2. The person's shadow is 12 feet long.
3. The person is standing 108 feet away from the base of the tree.
4. The tree's shadow is 120 feet long.

To solve this, we can use similar triangles, which states that corresponding sides of similar triangles are proportional.

Let's set up a proportion using the information given:
Height of the person / Length of the person's shadow = Height of the tree / Length of the tree's shadow

We can write this proportion as:
6 feet / 12 feet = Height of the tree / 120 feet

Now, let's solve for the height of the tree:
(6 feet * 120 feet) / 12 feet = Height of the tree

Simplifying the equation:
720 feet / 12 feet = Height of the tree

The height of the tree is 60 feet.