For this assignment, you will be finding the surface area and the volume of three different spherical objects. You will need to find three objects and measure the distance around the center using a ruler or tape measure. Show all work!

I am using a lemon first. How do I get the radius so that I can get the surface area and the volume.

Measure the circumference.

C = pi * d
C/pi = d

d = 2r

ok the circumference was 6.283185307 rounded to 6.3

6.3 = 3.14 * d

2.006 = d

1 = r

ok thank you

You're welcome.

To find the radius of a spherical object like a lemon, you will need to measure the distance around the center, which is called the circumference.

Here are the steps to find the radius:

1. Take your ruler or tape measure and wrap it around the lemon at the widest part.

2. Make sure that the measuring tool is snugly wrapped around the lemon without any gaps or overlaps.

3. Note down the measurement of the circumference in inches or centimeters.

Now that you have the circumference, you can calculate the radius using the formula:

radius = circumference / (2 * π),

where π (pi) is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159.

Let's say, for example, that you measured the circumference of the lemon to be 12 inches.

Substituting this value into the formula, you would calculate the radius as follows:

radius = 12 inches / (2 * 3.14159)
= 12 inches / 6.28318
≈ 1.90986 inches

So, the radius of the lemon is approximately 1.90986 inches.

Now that you have the radius, you can proceed to calculate the surface area and volume using the formulas for a sphere:

Surface Area = 4πr²

Volume = (4/3)πr³

Substitute the value of the radius you calculated into these formulas to find the surface area and volume of the lemon.