4g of an organic compound gave 2.34g of carbon 0.16g of hydrogen 0.46g of nitrogen 1.04g of oxygen.what is the empirical formula

2.34/12 = .195

.16/1 = .16 (I assume hydrogen atoms not molecules?)

.46/14 = .0329

1.04/16 = .065

for every nitrogen atom we have
.065/.0329 = 1.97 O
.195/.0329 = 5.9 C
.16/.0329 = 4.86 H

C6 H5 N O2

To determine the empirical formula of a compound, you need to find the ratio of elements present in the compound.

Start by calculating the moles of each element using their respective molar masses:

1. Carbon (C):
Moles of C = Mass of C / Molar mass of C
= 2.34g / 12.01 g/mol

2. Hydrogen (H):
Moles of H = Mass of H / Molar mass of H
= 0.16g / 1.01 g/mol

3. Nitrogen (N):
Moles of N = Mass of N / Molar mass of N
= 0.46g / 14.01 g/mol

4. Oxygen (O):
Moles of O = Mass of O / Molar mass of O
= 1.04g / 16.00 g/mol

Next, divide each moles value by the smallest number of moles among the elements. This step will give you the simplest ratio of the elements present:

1. Determine the smallest number of moles (in this case, it is nitrogen (N) with 0.46 moles).
2. Divide the number of moles of each element by 0.46.

The resulting ratios (rounded to the nearest whole number) are as follows:

Carbon (C) = 2.34g / 12.01 g/mol / 0.46 = 0.42
Hydrogen (H) = 0.16g / 1.01 g/mol / 0.46 = 0.35
Nitrogen (N) = 0.46g / 14.01 g/mol / 0.46 = 1.00
Oxygen (O) = 1.04g / 16.00 g/mol / 0.46 = 1.0

Now, these ratios represent the subscripts of the respective elements in the empirical formula. Therefore, the empirical formula is C0.42H0.35N1O1.