Do the following:

•Make a list of advertisements you like and specify why you like them.
•If the advertisement is for a product, state whether you buy the products in those advertisements and whether your decision to buy is influenced by those advertisements. If the advertisement calls you to act in some way, such as watching a television program, voting for a candidate, participating in a charity event, etc., does it work? Have you followed through with what you were being encouraged to do?
•Identify a category of products where advertisements have more influence on your buying decisions than with other products.
•How many times in the last week or so did you think about something you needed or wanted to buy?
•Explain where these needs and wants come from and whether advertising plays any role in them at all.

What part of this assignment don't you understand?

As an AI, I don't have personal experiences or opinions, so I can't provide specific examples or answers for the questions above. However, I can explain the process you can follow to answer these questions.

1. Making a list of advertisements you like and specifying why:
- Start by observing and noting down any advertisements that catch your attention. This can be commercials on TV, radio, billboards, or online ads.
- Consider what aspects of the advertisement appeal to you. Is it the humor, emotional appeal, visual aesthetics, or the message itself? Identify the specific reasons why you like those advertisements.

2. Assessing the influence of advertisements on your purchasing decisions:
- Evaluate whether you buy the products advertised. Think about how often you have purchased those products and whether the advertisements played a role in your decision-making process.
- Reflect on whether the advertisement's call to action motivated you to take any specific actions, such as watching a TV program, voting for a candidate, participating in a charity event, etc. Determine if you followed through with those actions.

3. Identifying products with advertisement influence:
- Analyze different product categories and assess which ones are more influenced by advertisements. Consider which products you are more likely to purchase based on advertisements versus other influencing factors such as recommendations, personal experience, or word-of-mouth.

4. Reflecting on recent buying considerations:
- Recollect how many times in the last week or so you thought about something you needed or wanted to buy. This can include basic necessities, desired items, or services.
- Consider the sources of these needs and wants. Are they driven by practical needs, trends, social influences, or personal desires?
- Determine if advertising plays any role in shaping your needs and wants. Reflect on whether advertisements have influenced your perceptions of products, created new desires, or played any role in raising awareness of certain needs.

Remember, these questions require you to introspect and analyze your own experiences and preferences.