What is the role of sport in nation building (in a paragraph) thanks in advance.


Google doesn't give me the roles

You have to read at least a couple of those articles. Two minutes is not enough time.

The role of sport in nation building is multifaceted and significant. Firstly, sport acts as a unifying force by bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds and interests, fostering a sense of belonging and identity. Through collective support for national teams, rivalries are put aside and a shared national pride is cultivated. Moreover, sport promotes social integration and bridges cultural divides, as athletes and fans interact and engage in shared experiences on and off the field. Additionally, sport helps inculcate values such as teamwork, discipline, and perseverance, which are essential in building a strong and cohesive society. Furthermore, hosting and participating in international sporting events can enhance a nation's reputation and standing in the global community, attracting investment, tourism, and fostering diplomatic relations. Ultimately, with its power to unite, inspire, and instill values, sport plays a vital role in shaping the collective identity and sense of national unity in a country.