When the Supreme Court hands down a decision, it is (Points : 1)

often a mixed decision with majority, dissenting, and even concurring opinions.
always a unanimous 9-0 decision.
a law forever and can never be overturned.
always free of politics.

often a mixed decision with majority, dissenting, and even concurring opinions.


When the Supreme Court hands down a decision, it is often a mixed decision with majority, dissenting, and even concurring opinions. This means that there is not always a unanimous agreement among the Supreme Court justices.

To determine this answer, one can refer to reliable sources such as legal news outlets or the official Supreme Court website. These sources provide information on Supreme Court decisions, including the breakdown of opinions and whether they were unanimous or involved different viewpoints.

It is important to note that the Supreme Court's decision is not always a law forever and can be overturned. The Constitution grants the Supreme Court the power of judicial review, which means they can interpret laws and determine their constitutionality. If a future Court decides to review and reconsider a previous decision, they can potentially overturn it. However, such reversals are relatively rare and require a significant shift in legal interpretation.

Regarding the claim that Supreme Court decisions are always free of politics, it is a complex issue. While justices strive to apply the law impartially, they are appointed based on political considerations, and their personal beliefs and ideologies can influence their interpretations and opinions. This means that politics can play a role in Supreme Court decisions to varying degrees. Nonetheless, the Court endeavors to maintain the integrity of the judicial process and provide unbiased legal analysis.