"the media do not tell us what to think.they tell what to think about". What does the statement this statement mean?.

The media poses questions, not answers.

Unbiased news media reports, sometimes analyzes events and public policy issues, but does not tell the audience what to think about them. One of the responsibilities of news media is to tell people about what they SHOULD know, and SHOULD think about, not WHAT to think.

This statement is essentially saying that the media does not dictate our thoughts and beliefs, but rather influences the topics and issues that we focus on and discuss. It suggests that the media has the power to shape public opinion and direct our attention towards particular subjects, but it doesn't control our individual thoughts or persuade us to hold specific views.

To understand this statement, it's important to recognize that the media plays a significant role in shaping public discourse and influencing the issues that are prioritized within society. Instead of explicitly telling us what to think, the media steers our attention towards certain topics through the selection, presentation, and framing of news stories. This influences the conversations we have, the perspectives we consider, and ultimately the issues we pay attention to and form opinions about.

In other words, the media acts as a gatekeeper, deciding what information gets shared and discussed, thereby influencing the public conversation. However, it is up to each individual to form their own thoughts and conclusions based on the information presented.

So, this statement serves as a reminder to critically analyze the media, question the narratives being presented, and actively engage in forming our own thoughts and opinions rather than merely accepting everything at face value.