According to the conflict perspective, conflicts between groups:

A. can be avoided through the use of the legal system.

B. are inevitable.

C. cause power vacuums.

D. can be changed though negotiation.

is it B

I disagree

To determine the correct answer according to the conflict perspective, we need to understand the key principles of this perspective and consider each option.

The conflict perspective in sociology focuses on the idea that conflicts and tensions between different social groups are inherent in society. It suggests that society is characterized by competition and struggle over resources, power, and social inequality.

Now let's consider each option:

A. Can conflicts between groups be avoided through the use of the legal system? According to the conflict perspective, conflicts are not simply a result of legal issues. They are rooted in larger social and structural injustices. While the legal system can help resolve specific conflicts, it does not necessarily prevent conflicts from arising in the first place. Therefore, option A is not the best answer.

B. Are conflicts between groups inevitable? Yes, according to the conflict perspective, conflicts between groups are believed to be inevitable. This perspective argues that social inequality, competition, and power struggles lead to conflicts among different social groups. Therefore, option B aligns with the conflict perspective and is the most appropriate answer.

C. Do conflicts between groups cause power vacuums? While conflicts can sometimes lead to power shifts or changes in power dynamics, the conflict perspective does not specifically state that conflicts cause power vacuums. This option does not fully capture the essence of the conflict perspective, so it is not the best answer.

D. Can conflicts between groups be changed through negotiation? Negotiation is viewed as a potential means of resolving conflicts according to the conflict perspective. However, this perspective also emphasizes that conflicts are deeply rooted in social inequalities, and negotiation alone may not eliminate these underlying disparities. Option D does not capture the perspective fully, so it is not the best answer.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question "According to the conflict perspective, conflicts between groups" is B: are inevitable.