a farmer sprays insecticide on his crops and notices that the insect pest problems disappear. a year later he tries the same insecticide only to find that he did not achieve the same result. the insect population shows resistance to the insecticide.This is na example of _____ acting on a popultaion to change its characteristics.



Natural selection??

Yes. Natural selection


You're welcome.

No, the example you provided does not pertain to conformity. Instead, this is an example of natural selection acting on a population to change its characteristics. Specifically, the insect population developed resistance to the insecticide over time. Natural selection is a process whereby individuals with advantageous traits or characteristics have higher chances of survival and reproduction, allowing those traits to become more common within the population over generations. In this case, the insects that had a natural resistance to the insecticide were more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on their resistant traits to their offspring. Consequently, the insect population as a whole became resistant to the insecticide, resulting in it being less effective in controlling the pest problem.