Can someone help me make few sentences of a rap regarding Economics.

The key words or phrases are econ is a drug, staying all night study,

Sure, I'd be happy to help you craft a few rap sentences about economics. Here are a few examples:

1. "Econ is a drug, got 'em hooked on the obsession,
Staying up all night, studying with no discretion."

Explanation: To create these sentences, I used wordplay by comparing economics to a drug. The phrase "econ is a drug" serves as the foundation of the rap line, implying that the subject matter, economics, is addictive. The line about staying up all night studying reinforces the intensity and dedication to studying economics.

Remember, when creating rap lyrics, you can get creative with wordplay, puns, metaphors, and personal experiences. Feel free to modify these sentences or let me know if you have any other specific ideas or requirements for your rap.