what is the participle phrase int he sentence? Quickly grabbing my lunch, I raced out the door to the bus.

A. grabbing my lunch
B. I raced
C. out the door
D. to the bus

What is the prepositional phrase in this sentence?
Late last night there was a loud knock at the door.
A. late last night
B. there was
C. a loud knock
D. at the door

1. A or B
2. D

a and c

In the sentence "Quickly grabbing my lunch, I raced out the door to the bus," the participle phrase is "grabbing my lunch," which modifies the subject "I" and functions as an adjective.

To identify the participle phrase, look for a verb ending in -ing that is acting as an adjective and modifying a noun or pronoun in the sentence. In this case, "grabbing" is the participle, and "my lunch" is the noun it modifies.

Now, let's move on to the second question:

In the sentence "Late last night there was a loud knock at the door," the prepositional phrase is "at the door."

To identify the prepositional phrase, look for a word that shows a relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and other words in the sentence. In this case, "at" is the preposition, and "the door" is the object of the preposition.

Now you have the answers:

1. The participle phrase in the first sentence is "grabbing my lunch" (option A).
2. The prepositional phrase in the second sentence is "at the door" (option D).

A and D

a and a