what is a metalinguistic strategy designed to shape a child's concept of print

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A metalinguistic strategy designed to shape a child's concept of print is a teaching method that focuses on helping children become aware of how language works and how it is represented through print. One common example of this strategy is called "Shared Reading."

To implement a metalinguistic strategy like Shared Reading, follow these steps:

1. Choose a book that is appropriate for the child's age and reading level.
2. Sit down with the child in a comfortable and quiet space.
3. Hold the book so that both you and the child can see the text clearly.
4. Begin by pointing to the title of the book and saying the name.
5. Use your finger or a pointer to track along the sentences as you read them out loud.
6. Encourage the child to follow along with their own finger or pointer, mimicking your tracking.
7. Pause at familiar words or phrases and ask the child to say them aloud.
8. Discuss specific features of the book, such as the cover, illustrations, and various parts of the text (e.g., title, author, illustrator).
9. Encourage the child to ask questions or make predictions about the story based on the title or pictures.
10. After reading the book, engage in a conversation about the story, characters, and plot.

Through Shared Reading, children develop early literacy skills like print concepts (e.g., understanding that text carries meaning, recognizing letters and words, reading from left to right and top to bottom). This metalinguistic strategy helps shape their understanding of print and lays the foundation for future reading development.