To help Karen overcome her fear of thunderstorms, a behavior therapist asks her to relax and imagine watching light rain with distant thunder. The therapist is using...

client-centered therapy

cognitive therapy

systematic desensitization

aversive conditioning

** Isn't it cognitive therapy? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

No. Google each term.

The correct answer is c) systematic desensitization.

Systematic desensitization is a form of therapy that is commonly used to help people overcome their fears or phobias. It involves exposing the person to their feared object or situation in a gradual and controlled manner, while at the same time pairing it with relaxation techniques. The idea behind systematic desensitization is that by repeatedly experiencing the feared stimulus in a calm and relaxed state, the person's fear response can eventually be extinguished.

In this scenario, the behavior therapist is asking Karen to relax and imagine watching light rain with distant thunder. By doing this, the therapist is helping Karen gradually confront her fear of thunderstorms in a controlled and relaxed manner. This process of exposure to the feared stimulus, combined with relaxation techniques, is characteristic of systematic desensitization.

On the other hand, cognitive therapy focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns or beliefs that contribute to emotional and behavioral problems. While cognitive therapy can be useful in addressing fears and phobias, the scenario described doesn't specifically involve addressing negative thoughts or beliefs.