What characteristic did the Mauryan and Mughal empires share?

a.Both helped spread Buddhism.
b.Both helped spread Islam.
c.Both embraced the idea of religious tolerance.
d.Both were begun by Aryan people

I think either a or d

its c- both embraced the idea of religious tolerance

To determine the correct answer, let's examine the characteristics of the Mauryan and Mughal empires:

The Mauryan Empire:
The Mauryan Empire was established in ancient India by Chandragupta Maurya in the 4th century BCE. They were known for their centralized rule, efficient administration, and extensive territorial expansion under the leadership of Emperor Ashoka. One of the significant aspects of the Mauryan Empire was their promotion and patronage of Buddhism. Emperor Ashoka converted to Buddhism after witnessing the devastation caused by his conquests and became a major proponent of the religion, actively spreading its teachings within and outside his empire.

The Mughal Empire:
The Mughal Empire was founded by Babur in 1526 CE and lasted until the mid-19th century. They were descendants of the Central Asian Turkic-Mongol ruler, Timur, and were known for their significant contributions to the arts, architecture, and administration. The Mughals were also responsible for the introduction and spread of Islam in the Indian subcontinent. Although they were Muslim rulers, the Mughals generally adopted a policy of religious tolerance towards the diverse population of their empire, which included Hindus, Sikhs, and other religious groups.

To determine the common characteristic shared by the Mauryan and Mughal empires, we can eliminate options a and d.

a. Both helped spread Buddhism: While the Mauryan Empire actively promoted Buddhism, there is no historical evidence to suggest that the Mughal Empire played any role in spreading Buddhism.

d. Both were begun by Aryan people: The Mauryan Empire was founded by Chandragupta Maurya, who was not of Aryan descent. The Mughal Empire, on the other hand, was established by Babur, a Central Asian ruler, and his descendants who were of Turkic-Mongol ancestry.

This leaves us with two options:

b. Both helped spread Islam: While it is true that the Mughal Empire played a significant role in the spread of Islam in the Indian subcontinent, it is not a characteristic shared by the Mauryan Empire.

c. Both embraced the idea of religious tolerance: Both the Mauryan and Mughal empires can be characterized by their acceptance and promotion of religious tolerance. The Mauryan Empire embraced Buddhism but did not suppress other religious beliefs, while the Mughal Empire, despite being Muslim rulers, actively practiced religious tolerance.

Therefore, the correct answer is c. Both the Mauryan and Mughal empires shared the characteristic of embracing the idea of religious tolerance.