18 students in the class play baseball.17 students play basketball. 30 students play either or both. select the venn diagram that shows the number who play baseball and basketball?


Are the answers your welcome ;)))) 1400/800 bousin

Trippie redd is correct 100% on conexus, thanks, man!

The answer would be A (13(5)12)

To determine the Venn diagram that shows the number of students who play both baseball and basketball, we need to use the given information. Here's a step-by-step approach to solving this problem:

1. Start by drawing two overlapping circles to represent baseball and basketball.

2. Label one circle as "Baseball" and the other as "Basketball."

3. According to the information given, there are 18 students who play baseball. So, write the number 18 in the baseball circle.

4. Similarly, there are 17 students who play basketball, so write the number 17 in the basketball circle.

5. Now, we know that 30 students play either or both sports. To determine the overlapping area, subtract the total number of students playing each sport from the total number of students playing either sport.

- Subtract the number of baseball players (18) from the total (30): 30 - 18 = 12.
- Subtract the number of basketball players (17) from the total (30): 30 - 17 = 13.

6. Write the resulting numbers, 12 and 13, in the overlapping area of the two circles.

The Venn diagram that represents the number of students who play both baseball and basketball would have 12 written in the overlapping area of the circles.