Draw an imaginative and engaging image showing educational elements related to health. The image should include symbols representing general hygiene practices such as washing hands, practicing food safety and immunization. Also, portray characters reacting to a contagious friend with caution to highlight the concept of spreading infectious diseases. Additionally, include depictions of iconography for viral and bacterial diseases including the common cold, strep throat, and influenza. Do not include any text in the image.

Please check

1. Which is a common viral disease?
A. strep throat
B. lyme ***
C. tuberculosis
D. common cold

2. which statement is about the flu?
A. there is no cure
B. there is usually a fever ***
C. It typically lasts 3-7 days
D. it spread by contact with infected people or objects

3. What helps spread infectious disease?
A. washing hands
B. practicing food safety
C. Up-todate immunizations
D. Encouraging your sick friend to hang out with you***

4. True or false. People die from colds each year
I think it's true but I'm not fully sure

5. What's a common bacterial disease ?
A. influenza ***
B. common cold
C. hepatitis
D. strep throat
Please check my work!
I'm not quiet sure on # 5

1. D. common cold

2. B There is usually a fever.
3. D. Encouraging your sick friends to hang out with you
4. False
5. D. strep throat
8.A. skin, cielia, and mucous membranes
10.D. all of the above
12.A.your body's ability to destroy pathogens that it has previously encountered before the pathogens are able to cause disease.

1. D

2. B
3. D
4. False
5. D

That girl is right except for number 2, (I changed it to the correct answer)

1. D. common cold
2. D. It is spread by contact with infected people
3. D. Encouraging your sick friends to hang out with you
4. False
5. D. strep throat
8.A. skin, cielia, and mucous membranes
10.D. all of the above
12.A.your body's ability to destroy pathogens that it has previously encountered before the pathogens are able to cause disease.

Hey ya'll that girl was right. I just did this and with her answer is got a 12/12 (100%)

We are not cheating we are just checking our answers duh

1. D

2. B
3. D
4. False
5. D
@Anon was 100% correct.


I just took the test and here are the answers, hope these help!
Infectious Diseases Unit test
1. D. common cold
2. B There is usually a fever.
3. D. Encouraging your sick friends to hang out with you
4. False
5. D. strep throat
8.A. skin, Cecilia, and mucous membranes
10.D. all of the above
12.A.your body's ability to destroy pathogens that it has previously encountered before the pathogens are able to cause disease.

thanks that girl

yes, "that girl" is 100% correct i got 12 out of 12 on my test

@ThatGirl is right! We be passing 8th grade together

@yallsomecheaters, we're checking our answers, and if u gonna be like that, why you on here?