I need help answering these questions.

DIRECTIONS: Your friends are asking you to make plans for this weekend, but you are not able to do anything that they have suggested. Respond to their questions using it+a+infinitive.

1) ¿Quieres ir am part I do estate noche?

2) ¿Te gustaría ir am cine conmigo esta noche?

3) ¿Quieres jugar all golf esta tarde?

4) ¿Puedes jugar videojuegos conmigo el viernes?

5) ¿Te gustaría ir de compras mañana pot la noche?

6) ¿Te gustaría ir am baile conmigo esta noche?

7) ¿Quieres if a la biblioteca conmigo?

8) ¿Puedes ir de cámping conmigo esta fin de semana?

Someone will be glad to check your answers.

To answer these questions using the structure "it + a + infinitive," you can follow the steps below:

1) Identify the subject and verb in the question: "Quieres ir..."
- Subject: "Quieres" (you want)
- Verb: "ir" (to go)

2) Remove the subject and verb from the original question: "¿...am part I do estate noche?"

3) Combine the subject and verb with "it + a + infinitive" structure: "I would like it + go + tonight"

Hence, the answer to the first question would be: "I would like to go tonight."

Now, let's go through the same steps for the remaining questions:

2) Identify the subject and verb: "Te gustaría ir..."
- Subject: "Te gustaría" (you would like)
- Verb: "ir" (to go)

The answer would be: "You would like to go to the cinema with me tonight."

3) Identify the subject and verb: "Quieres jugar..."
- Subject: "Quieres" (you want)
- Verb: "jugar" (to play)

The answer would be: "You want to play golf this afternoon."

4) Identify the subject and verb: "Puedes jugar..."
- Subject: "Puedes" (you can)
- Verb: "jugar" (to play)

The answer would be: "You can play video games with me on Friday."

5) Identify the subject and verb: "Te gustaría ir..."
- Subject: "Te gustaría" (you would like)
- Verb: "ir" (to go)

The answer would be: "You would like to go shopping tomorrow night."

6) Identify the subject and verb: "Te gustaría ir..."
- Subject: "Te gustaría" (you would like)
- Verb: "ir" (to go)

The answer would be: "You would like to go to the dance with me tonight."

7) Identify the subject and verb: "Quieres ir..."
- Subject: "Quieres" (you want)
- Verb: "ir" (to go)

The answer would be: "You want to go to the library with me."

8) Identify the subject and verb: "Puedes ir..."
- Subject: "Puedes" (you can)
- Verb: "ir" (to go)

The answer would be: "You can go camping with me this weekend."

By following these steps for each question, you can use the "it + a + infinitive" structure to answer them.