Find the domain of the function

g(x) = (x+7) / (x^2 - 36)

The domain of a polynomial is R (real).

The domain of a rational function (polynomial divided by another) is R less the points where the denominator becomes zero.

The given function g(x) is a rational function where the denominator can be factorized into
which enables you to locate the zeroes of the denominator.

The domain of g(x) is R (real) less the two zeroes of the denominator.

To find the domain of a function, we need to consider the values of x for which the function is defined. In this case, the function is defined for all values of x except those that make the denominator equal to zero.

Let's find the values of x that make the denominator zero by setting it equal to zero and solving for x:

x^2 - 36 = 0

This equation can be factored as the difference of squares:

(x + 6)(x - 6) = 0

To solve for x, we set each factor equal to zero:

x + 6 = 0 or x - 6 = 0

Solving each equation for x, we find:

x = -6 or x = 6

So, the values x = -6 and x = 6 make the denominator zero and result in an undefined function. Therefore, the domain of the function g(x) is all values of x except -6 and 6.

In interval notation, the domain of the function g(x) is (-∞, -6) U (-6, 6) U (6, ∞).