I came up with

"conventionality is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth"

which one of the 4 ethics would it fit into best?
- individualism
- Justice view
- moral rights
- utilitarian

i was thinking it was individualism but i'm not sure

Yes, it's individualism.

Based on the statement "conventionality is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth," it is most likely aligning with the ethical principle of individualism. Individualism places a strong emphasis on personal freedom and autonomy, suggesting that conforming to societal conventions may limit one's freedom and hinder personal growth. Therefore, your statement implies a belief in prioritizing individual freedom over societal expectations.

To determine which ethical framework the quote "conventionality is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth" fits into best, let's analyze the quote and compare it to the four ethics you provided: individualism, justice view, moral rights, and utilitarianism.

Individualism emphasizes the importance of personal freedom and self-reliance. It values individual rights and autonomy over societal conformity. The quote aligns with individualism since it portrays conventionality as a limiting factor that restricts personal freedom.

The justice view focuses on fairness and equal treatment. While the quote hints at a potential connection to justice, it primarily emphasizes personal freedom and growth rather than societal fairness.

Moral rights theory asserts that individuals possess certain inherent rights that should be respected. This ethical framework prioritizes the protection of these rights. Although the quote does touch upon the idea of freedom, it focuses more on the negative impact of conventionality rather than explicitly discussing individual rights.

Utilitarianism, on the other hand, emphasizes maximizing overall happiness or utility for the greatest number of people. The quote does not directly address the consequences for the overall well-being or happiness of individuals or society.

Based on this analysis, it appears that the quote "conventionality is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth" aligns best with the ethical framework of individualism.