in an article called " Buzz Off " by Kirsten Weir.

I need help...

6. what are two consequences of spraying insecticides to get rid of mosquitoes?

7. how are the Oxitec mosquitoes different from the mosquitoes that Anthony James engineered?

6. The answer is in the second paragraph under No Fly Zone.

7. See the section under In the Wild.

Oh my god thank you Ms. Sue your the best

You're welcome.

I need help on Which of the following is not a symptom of dengue fever.

what are two consequences of spraying insecticide to get red of mosquitoes

I need help

hey what is the answer to question 5

Which of the following conclusions about science is best supported by the passage?

To answer these questions, we need to find the article "Buzz Off" by Kirsten Weir. Here's how you can locate and access the article:

1. Start by opening a web browser of your choice (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox).

2. In the search bar, enter the title of the article, "Buzz Off" by Kirsten Weir, and add relevant keywords, such as the publication or date if available (e.g., "Buzz Off by Kirsten Weir published in Scientific American").

3. Review the search results and click on the link that corresponds to the article from a reputable source, such as the Scientific American website or an academic database.

4. If the article is behind a paywall, consider accessing it through a database available at your school or local library. Many educational institutions provide access to academic databases like JSTOR, EBSCOhost, or ProQuest.

5. Once you have retrieved the article, navigate to the relevant sections, which should contain information about the consequences of spraying insecticides to get rid of mosquitoes (question 6) and the differences between Oxitec mosquitoes and those engineered by Anthony James (question 7).

Remember, as an AI language model, I don't have real-time access to specific articles or publications, so I can't provide you with direct information from "Buzz Off" by Kirsten Weir. My instructions can guide you on how to access and find the answers to these questions on your own.