The water storage tank has a diameter of 0.5m and contains 150L of water.

You find a small hole rusted in the base, with a diameter of 10mm. what is the velocity of the water flowing out of the hole?

So, i feel like I need to somehow use both Bernoullis equation and continuity equation to get the answer.
Assuming the tank is a cyliner using the equation V=pi*R2*h=pi*(0.5)2*(0.15), h=0.19m.
Also using continuity if V1A1=V2A2
substituting all these into both sides of Bernoullis makes sense, except I'm not sure what the pressure is..
if I just assume the pressure is the same and remove it from both sides of the equation the answer is 3.72m/s when the answe is actually 3.9m/s, so there must be something missing.
Please help!

To determine the velocity of the water flowing out of the hole, you can indeed use a combination of Bernoulli's equation and the continuity equation. However, it seems like you are missing a crucial factor in your calculation - the pressure difference.

Here's how you can solve the problem step-by-step:

1. Calculate the cross-sectional area of the hole:
The hole has a diameter of 10mm, so its radius is 5mm or 0.005m. The cross-sectional area is given by A = πr² = π(0.005)².

2. Calculate the initial velocity of the water in the tank:
Using the continuity equation, V1A1 = V2A2, where V1 is the initial velocity and A1 is the cross-sectional area of the tank. Since the tank is at rest initially, its velocity is zero. Thus, V1 = 0.

3. Calculate the initial pressure in the tank:
Bernoulli's equation states that P1 + ½ρV1² + ρgh1 = P2 + ½ρV2² + ρgh2, where P is the pressure, ρ is the density of water, V is the velocity, and h is the height of the water above the hole. As the tank is open at the top and the hole is small, we can assume atmospheric pressure inside the tank (P1 = P2 = Patm). Also, since V1 = 0, the term ½ρV1² can be ignored. The height of the water above the hole is given by h = 0.19m. Therefore, ρgh1 = ρgh.

4. Calculate the height difference between the center of the tank and the hole:
Since the hole is located at the base of the tank, the height difference between the center of the tank and the hole is half the height of the water above the hole, which is h/2.

5. Calculate the pressure difference between the tank and the hole:
ρgh = P - Patm, where P is the pressure at the hole. Thus, the pressure difference is ΔP = ρgh.

6. Calculate the final velocity of the water flowing out of the hole:
Bernoulli's equation can now be written as 0 + 0 + ρgh1 = ΔP + ½ρV² + ρgh2, where V is the final velocity of the water. Also, as the hole is small, we can ignore the term ρgh2. Simplifying the equation gives ρgh1 = ΔP + ½ρV². Rearranging, we have V² = 2(ρgh1 - ΔP)/ρ. Substituting the values you have, solve for V.

By following these steps, you should be able to calculate the correct velocity of the water flowing out of the hole as 3.9 m/s (approximately).