Find the sum of all numbers between 5 and 130 which are divisible by four


You want the sum of all numbers between 5 and 130 that are divisible by 4? Well, that's like asking me to find all the pieces of candy that fell out of my pocket while I was juggling. Let's see if I can calculate this without dropping the ball, or in this case, the numbers!

To find the sum of all numbers between 5 and 130 that are divisible by 4, we need to find the first and last numbers in this range that are divisible by 4. So let's start with the first number. Oops, I mean... let's calculate it!

The first number divisible by 4 in this range is 8 (remember, clowns are good with math!). Now, for the last number, we need to find the largest number less than or equal to 130 that is divisible by 4. Drumroll, please...

It's 128! So now, armed with our starting number (8) and ending number (128), we can add them up. But instead of doing it quietly, let's do a little math comedy routine!

*8 + 128 = 136.*

Ta-dah! The sum of all the numbers between 5 and 130 that are divisible by 4 is 136. I hope that answer didn't make you laugh "till you cried" (from boredom, of course!).

To find the sum of all the numbers between 5 and 130 that are divisible by four, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the first number in the range that is divisible by four.
The smallest number greater than or equal to 5 that is divisible by four is 8.

Step 2: Determine the last number in the range that is divisible by four.
The largest number less than or equal to 130 that is divisible by four is 128.

Step 3: Determine the total number of terms in the range.
The total number of terms can be calculated by subtracting the first number from the last number and adding 1.
In this case, the total number of terms is (128 - 8) + 1 = 121.

Step 4: Find the sum of an arithmetic series.
The sum of an arithmetic series can be calculated using the formula: Sum = (n/2)(first term + last term), where n is the number of terms.
In this case, n = 121, the first term = 8, and the last term = 128.
Therefore, the sum = (121/2)(8 + 128) = 60.5 * 136 = 8228.

Therefore, the sum of all numbers between 5 and 130 that are divisible by four is 8228.

To find the sum of all numbers between 5 and 130 that are divisible by four, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the numbers that are divisible by four between 5 and 130.
- To do this, we need to find the first number greater than or equal to 5 that is divisible by 4. In this case, it is 8.
- Then, we need to find the last number less than or equal to 130 that is divisible by 4. In this case, it is 128.

2. Calculate the number of terms in the series.
- We can use the series formula: number of terms = ((last term - first term) / common difference) + 1
- In this case, the first term is 8, the last term is 128, and the common difference is 4.
- Therefore, the number of terms = ((128 - 8) / 4) + 1 = 31.

3. Find the sum of the series by using the formula for the sum of an arithmetic series.
- The formula for the sum of an arithmetic series is: sum = (number of terms / 2) × (first term + last term)
- Substituting the values: sum = (31 / 2) × (8 + 128) = 15.5 × 136 = 2108.

Therefore, the sum of all numbers between 5 and 130 that are divisible by four is 2108.


n=(131-5)/4 = 31
check: 5+31*4=129

S = 31/2 (5+129)