Which approach to literacy best connects mathematics and science to the real world?

A. Balanced reading
B. Phonics
C. Whole language
D. Structured reading


The approach to literacy that best connects mathematics and science to the real world is the Whole Language approach. Whole Language is an instructional method that emphasizes the integration of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. It focuses on authentic, meaningful texts and encourages students to make connections between their own experiences and the content they are reading.

To understand why the Whole Language approach connects mathematics and science to the real world, let's break it down:

1. Authentic texts: Whole Language uses real-world texts such as newspapers, magazines, and informational books that incorporate math and science concepts. This allows students to see how these subjects are applied in the real world and understand their relevance beyond the classroom.

2. Meaningful context: The Whole Language approach encourages students to engage with texts and activities that have personal meaning and relevance. When students can see how math and science concepts relate to their own lives and interests, they are more likely to make connections and develop a deeper understanding.

3. Critical thinking: Whole Language promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills. By engaging with math and science texts, students learn to analyze and evaluate information, apply logical reasoning, and make connections between different concepts. This process helps them understand the practical applications of the subjects and their relevance in everyday life.

4. Integration of skills: One of the key features of Whole Language is the integration of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. By integrating these skills, students develop a holistic understanding of math and science concepts and learn to effectively communicate their ideas and understanding.

So, if you want an approach to literacy that connects mathematics and science to the real world, Whole Language is the best choice. It provides students with meaningful and authentic experiences that help them see the practical applications of these subjects in their everyday lives.