Anna is a high school student. The police came to her school and removed her purse from her locker. they told her that they suspected she was hiding illegal drugs in it. They found no drugs in it and returned the purse to her. what amendment gives the police to do this and what reason must they give?

Amendment II, plausible suspicion***
Amendment IV, sworn testimony
Amendment IV, probable cause
Amendment V, judicial testimony

I think its A

ok sorry. :(:(

The correct answer is Amendment IV, probable cause.

To understand why, let's break it down.

Firstly, the Second Amendment, which you mentioned as Amendment II, is actually unrelated to this situation. The Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms and is not relevant to the issue at hand.

Moving on to the Fourth Amendment, it protects individuals against unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. In order for the police to search Anna's purse, they must have a valid reason and meet certain criteria. This is where the concept of probable cause comes in.

Probable cause means that the police must have a reasonable belief that a crime has been committed or that evidence of a crime is present. It is a higher standard than mere suspicion, but less than certainty. In this scenario, the police would need to have some credible information or evidence that gave them a reasonable basis to believe that Anna was hiding illegal drugs in her purse. Without probable cause, the police would generally need a warrant or consent to search Anna's personal property.

Therefore, the police must have probable cause to search Anna's purse, not just a plausible suspicion or sworn testimony. They would need to provide a valid reason to conduct the search, such as specific information or evidence that suggests the presence of illegal drugs in Anna's purse. If no drugs were found and no probable cause existed, then the police actions in searching Anna's purse could potentially violate her Fourth Amendment rights.

Aarrgghh! No! I think you should quit trying to post tonight.