Which of the following events is part of the novels falling action?

A. Paul reveres ride to Lexington
B. Johnnys injury of his hand and need to find another trade
C. Johnnys acceptance of Dr. Warrens offer to operate on his hand
D. General gage and the soldiers arrival in Boston
Is it c

wtf this is a learning website or to help you find ansers oml. what is happening lmfao

What novel are you referring to?

b. is not right.


Ms. Sue i never thought that i would hear such language from anyone on jiskha, much less you!

The correct answer is C.

that wasn't ms sue someone just put her name in the first name thing

I know abby ;)

To determine which event is part of the novel's falling action, we need to understand what falling action is. Falling action is the part of the plot that occurs after the climax and leads to the resolution of the story.

Let's analyze the events listed:

A. Paul Revere's ride to Lexington: This event is part of the rising action or the build-up to the climax. It happens before the most intense point of the story.

B. Johnny's injury of his hand and need to find another trade: This event could be part of the falling action as it directly affects the protagonist and could lead to the resolution of the story.

C. Johnny's acceptance of Dr. Warren's offer to operate on his hand: This event is also a potential part of the falling action. Johnny accepting the offer signifies progress in resolving his hand injury.

D. General Gage and the soldiers' arrival in Boston: This event is likely part of the rising action or even the climax as it introduces a conflict or complication to the story.

Based on the analysis, the event that is most likely part of the novel's falling action is:
B. Johnny's injury of his hand and need to find another trade
C. Johnny's acceptance of Dr. Warren's offer to operate on his hand

Both events directly contribute to resolving Johnny's hand injury, which could be part of the falling action leading to the resolution of the story.

Rub my nipples please and I might squirt out my juices for yall' young boy's! ;)