I don't get how you get this part:

f' = (1-x)/(1+x)^3
f" = [(-1)(x+1)^3 - 3(1-x)(x+1)^2]/(x+1)^6
= [-(x+1)+3(x-1)]/(x+1)^4 ( I don't understand how you got this!!)
= (-x-1+3x-3)/(x+1)^4
= (2x-4)/(x+1)^4

f" = [(-1)(x+1)^3 - 3(1-x)(x+1)^2]/(x+1)^6

= [-(x+1)+3(x-1)]/(x+1)^4 ( I don't understand how you got this!!)

Looks like division of top and bottom by (x+1)^2 and also -(1-x) = + (x-1)

Thank you, Damon!

You are welcome.

To understand how to derive f" from f', let's go through the steps one by one:

1. You start with the expression for f':
f' = (1-x)/(1+x)^3

2. To find the second derivative, we need to differentiate f'. We'll apply the quotient rule:

The quotient rule states that if you have a function in the form of f(x) = u(x)/v(x), the derivative of f(x) with respect to x is given by:

(f'(x)) = (u'(x)v(x) - v'(x)u(x))/(v(x))^2

If we apply the quotient rule to f', we have:

f"(x) = [(1+x)^3 * (d/dx(1-x)) - (1-x) * (d/dx((1+x)^3))] / ((1+x)^3)^2

3. Now, let's calculate the first derivative of (1-x) and (1+x)^3 to continue simplifying:

d/dx(1-x) = -1
d/dx((1+x)^3) = 3(1+x)^2

4. Plugging these values into the f" equation, we have:

f"(x) = [(1+x)^3 * (-1) - (1-x) * (3(1+x)^2)] / ((1+x)^3)^2

5. Simplifying further:

f"(x) = [(-1)(1+x)^3 - (1-x)(3(1+x)^2)] / (1+x)^6

6. Distributing negative sign:

f"(x) = [-1 * (1+x)^3 - (1-x) * 3(1+x)^2] / (1+x)^6

7. Expanding terms:

f"(x) = [-(1+x)^3 - 3(1-x)(1+x)^2] / (1+x)^6

8. Simplifying further:

f"(x) = [-(1+x) + 3(1-x)] / (1+x)^4

9. Expanding the terms inside the numerator:

f"(x) = [-1 - x + 3 - 3x] / (1+x)^4

10. Combining like terms:

f"(x) = (2x - 2) / (1+x)^4

Thus, the second derivative of f(x) is (2x - 2) / (1+x)^4.