an airplane flies with a constant speed of 960 km/h. How long will it take to travel a distance of 960 kilometers?

To find the time it will take for the airplane to travel a distance of 960 kilometers, we can use the formula: Time = Distance / Speed.

First, we need to determine the speed of the airplane in km/h, which is given as 960 km/h.

Next, we need to find the distance the airplane will travel, which is also given as 960 kilometers.

Now, we can substitute these values into the formula: Time = 960 km / 960 km/h.

By simplifying, we can cancel out the units of kilometers, and we are left with Time = 1 hour.

Therefore, it will take 1 hour for the airplane to travel a distance of 960 kilometers.

Your problem answers the question.

would it be an hour ms. sue?
