7/15 divided by 3/10 =

To divide fractions, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Flip the second fraction
To divide fractions, you need to take the reciprocal (flip) of the second fraction. This means you need to swap the numerator and denominator.

In this case, you have 7/15 divided by 3/10. The reciprocal of 3/10 is 10/3.

Step 2: Multiply the fractions
Now you can multiply the two fractions together. Multiply the numerators together and the denominators together.

The numerator of 7/15 is 7, and the numerator of 10/3 is 10.
Multiply 7 by 10 to get 70.

The denominator of 7/15 is 15, and the denominator of 10/3 is 3.
Multiply 15 by 3 to get 45.

So, the result of multiplying these fractions is 70/45.

Step 3: Simplify, if possible
If there is a common factor between the numerator and the denominator, you can simplify the fraction. In this case, both 70 and 45 can be divided by 5.

Dividing 70 by 5 gives us 14, and dividing 45 by 5 gives us 9.

Therefore, 70/45 simplifies to 14/9.

So, 7/15 divided by 3/10 is equal to 14/9.

(7/15) / (3/10)

(7/15) * (10/3) = 70/45 = 1 25/45 = 1 5/9